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Rapala X-Rap 04 - Hot Mustard Muddler

Stock: 3

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The X-Rap is "all about the action" and it triggers strikes. It's the perfect size and three-dimensional shape of a minnow. Prominent scales and the lateral line on the fuselage capture and flash light like a beacon. It's a lure that is designed for aggressive fishing. The angler provides the action and defines the cadence, for maximum effectiveness. Slash one near your neighborhood brute. Dance the Flash Foil Teaser Tail in front of his nose and hang on tight.

Byron on 04/10/2012 07:32pm
I use the xrap04's wading up creeks/rivers for trout, and for bream fishing
in slower moving estuaries. I find they have good neutral buoyancy in fresh water,
good for pauses, etc in the retrieve. I don't find they perform as well in faster
moving water or retrieving across the current. I much prefer the yozuri pin's minnow
50mm floating lure for these applications. Happy to order a few in natural/trouty
colours if you have access to them.

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